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( Monografy NGG ) Leonor Antunes - joints, voids, and gaps. -
São Paulo : MASP, Museu de Arte São Paulo / Luxembourg : MUDAM, Musée d'Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, 2019. - 280 Seiten ( Kollat: 280 Seiten)
Impressum: Exhibition MASP 13.12.2019-12.4.2020, Casa de Vidro 14.12.2019-12.4.2020 ... Exhibition Mudam Luxembourg 10.10.2020-7.3.2021
ISBN: 978-85-310-0080-5 - ISBN: 85-310-0080-7
Joints, voids, and gaps
Sign.: 64-20220052 * Standort: Neue Galerie Graz / Bibliothek Regal: 64-Antunes, Leonor