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( Monografy NGG ) Meta space. -
Linz : OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH / Berlin : DISTANZ Verlag, 2022. - 560 Seiten ( Kollat: 560 Seiten)
Imprint: "This publication is a counterpart to the exhibition " - Visions of Space" which is curated by Fabian Müller-Nittel and Markus Reindl and runs at the Francisco Carolinum Linz from September 1st 2022 until January 8th 2023"
ISBN: 978-3-95476-536-2 - ISBN: 978-3-85474-390-3 (OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH)
Sign.: 65-20230037 * Standort: Neue Galerie Graz / Bibliothek Regal: 65-Linz 2022-2023